The nonprofit organization Porte 7 is a visual arts platform dedicated to intellectual, experimental and creative works with a focus on landscape, temporality and light. Porte 7 finances and promotes multidisciplinary art projects, hosts artist residency programs and organizes conferences, roundtables, publications, exhibitions and events.
The present work was made in collaboration with Editions Villa Saint Clair, an art book publisher in the South of France. From its new location, the Villa Saint Clair continues to further its mission of publishing and disseminating artist books, catalogs and monographs.
The present book approaches Caroline Duchatelet’s film work since 2008 from four different viewpoints: that of art historian Eric de Chassey, film theorist Térésa Faucon, writer Yannick Haenel and philosopher François Jullien.
Caroline Duchatelet's work explores questions of landscapes and light. She first worked with sculpture, her works later becoming integral parts of a particular landscape or architectural setting. The artist then turned her attention to light itself, translating the passage of light, its variations, materialization and decline, with site specific installations and luminous compositions. Duchatelet, more recently, has experimented with video, namely in a series of filmed dawns in which the experience of landscape is embodied through changing light. She was awarded a Villa Médicis fellowship in Rome in 2009.
Historian of art, art critic and curator Éric de Chassey is the director of the French Academy in Rome. He has published a number of works and essays on the art of the 20th and 21st centuries, including La violence décorative: Matisse et les Etats-Unis (1998), La peinture efficace, Une histoire de l'abstraction aux Etats-Unis, 1910-1960 (2001) and Olivier Debré, monographie (2007).
Térésa Faucon teaches film aesthetics at the University of Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle. She makes regular contributions to the magazines Cinémathèque, Cinéma, 1895, Vertigo and ArtPress and is the author of books on film and painting, including Penser et expérimenter le montage (PSN, 2009), Théorie du montage. Energie, forces et fluides (Armand Colin, 2013) and Turner (Flammarion, 2004).
Yannick Haenel is a writer and the cofounder of the magazine Ligne de risque. His novels and essays include Cercle (Gallimard, coll. “L'Infini” 2007), Jan Karski (Gallimard, coll. “L'Infini”, 2009), Le Sens du calme (Mercure de France, coll. “Traits et portraits”, 2011) and Je cherche l’Italie (Gallimard, coll. “L'Infini”, 2015).
François Jullien is a philosopher and a sinologist. He is the current Chair of Alterity at the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (Paris). He has published, among others, Procès ou Création, Une introduction à la pensée des lettrés chinois (Seuil, 1989), Du « temps », Éléments d’une philosophie du vivre (Grasset, 2001), La Grande image n’a pas de forme ou Du non-objet par la peinture (Seuil, 2003), Les Transformations silencieuses (Grasset, 2009), Cette étrange idée du beau (Grasset, 2010) and Vivre de paysage ou L’impensé de la Raison (Gallimard, 2014).
Éditions Villa Saint Clair, artist monograph, contemporary art
Texts by Éric de Chassey, François Jullien, Yannick Haenel and Térésa Faucon
Format 20 x 22 cm, 144 pages (45 col. ill.)
Bilingual edition (French/English), translation Heather Allen
ISBN: 978-2-908964-66-0, November 2014
20 €
With the support of the Regional Council of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and the General Council of the Bouches-du-Rhône, the City of Marseille, the Minister of Culture and Communication and the National Center of Fine Arts.